Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite is a fat deposit beneath the skin, that appears lumpy or dimple-like. Almost 90% of women have cellulite on their bodies. Even professional female athletes find the annoying dimples present.

Cellulite is genetic and is caused by hormones, like estrogen. This is why cellulite usually appears around puberty and may become more noticeable during pregnancy. Cellulite generally occurs on the stomach, thighs, and rear.


In the past, expensive creams or invasive surgery were an individual’s only option to reduce the appearance of cellulite. However, laser treatment now provides a minimally invasive, effective way to treat cellulite. 


The highly concentrated laser beam can break down the structure of cellulite beneath the skin. It also helps increase the thickness of skin, which decreases the appearance of dimples in the skin. Additionally, it stimulates the area to produce more collagen to flatten out fat cells under the skin.


Most patients only need one appointment to see results and laser treatments can reduce the appearance of cellulite for up to a year.

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